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C-25.01, r. 0.4
- Regulation respecting the determination of child support payments
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Current Version
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Updated to 1 January 2013
This document has official status.
C-25.01, r. 0.4
Regulation respecting the determination of child support payments
Code of Civil Procedure
(chapter C-25.01, art. 443)
The former alphanumerical designation of this Regulation was: chapter C-25, r. 6.
These Rules, including the form and the table to which they refer, apply to any application concerning the parents’ obligation of support toward their minor child.
They also apply to an application filed by a parent in respect of a child of full age who is not able to support himself, particularly because he is pursuing full-time studies.
O.C. 484-97, s. 1
O.C. 1138-2004, s. 1
The Court may fix the support payable for a child of full age at a level that departs from the level of support which would be provided under these Rules, if it considers it appropriate, taking into account all the circumstances in which the child finds himself, particularly his age, health condition, level of education or nature of his studies, civil status, place of residence, as well as his level of autonomy and, where applicable, the time needed by the child to acquire sufficient autonomy.
O.C. 484-97, s. 2
The support payable by a parent for his child shall be established, on an annual basis, taking into account the basic parental contribution to which the parents should be bound jointly in respect of the child, the child care expenses, post-secondary education expenses and special expenses relating to the child, the disposable income of that parent in relation to that of both parents and the custody time he assumes in respect of the child, in accordance with the following Rules and the form in Schedule I.
The basic parental contribution of both parents shall be established on the basis of their disposable income and of the number of children, in accordance with the table in Schedule II.
O.C. 484-97, s. 3
A parent who assumes more than 60% of the custody time of a child shall be considered to have sole custody for the purposes of these Rules.
Where only one parent has sole custody of all children, the support payable by the other parent shall be calculated following Division 1 of Part 5 of the form; notwithstanding the foregoing, if the non-custodial parent has visiting and prolonged outing rights, that is, if he assumes between 20% and 40% of the custody time in respect of the children, the support payable by that parent shall be calculated following Division 1.1 of that part of the form.
O.C. 484-97, s. 4
Custody is also considered to be sole custody where each parent has sole custody of at least one child. In that case, the support payable by a parent shall be calculated following Division 2 of Part 5 of the form.
O.C. 484-97, s. 5
Where each parent assumes at least 40% of the custody time in respect of a child, custody of that child is considered shared custody for the purposes of these Rules.
Where both parents have shared custody of all children, the support payable by a parent shall be calculated following Division 3 of Part 5 of the form.
O.C. 484-97, s. 6
In situations involving both sole custody and shared custody, that is, where at least one parent has sole custody of at least one child and where both parents have shared custody of at least another child, the support payable by a parent shall be calculated following Division 4 of Part 5 of the form.
This also applies in situations involving
— sole custody and sole custody with visiting and prolonged outing rights, that is, where at least one parent has sole custody of at least 2 children and where the other parent has, in addition, visiting and prolonged outing rights in respect of at least one of those children;
— shared custody and sole custody with visiting and prolonged outing rights, that is, where the parents have shared custody in respect of at least one child and where at least one parent has sole custody of one or more other children while the other parent has, in addition, visiting and prolonged outing rights in respect of at least one of those other children;
— shared custody, sole custody and sole custody with visiting and prolonged outing rights, that is, where the parents have shared custody in respect of at least one child, where at least one parent has sole custody of one or more other children and where the other parent has, in addition, visiting and prolonged outing rights in respect of at least one of those other children.
O.C. 484-97, s. 7
O.C. 1312-2003, s. 1
Unless the Court decides otherwise considering, in particular, the parent’s assets, the support payable by a parent in respect of his child may not exceed half his disposable income. Part 6 of the form shows how to calculate the support payable pursuant to this Rule.
O.C. 484-97, s. 8
For the purposes of these Rules, including the related form and table,
“annual income” means income from any source, in particular wages, salaries and other remuneration, support paid by a third party and received for one’s own needs, employment insurance benefits, parental insurance benefits and other benefits granted under a statutory pension or compensation plan, dividends, interest and other investment income, net income from rental activities and net income from the operation of a business or from self-employment; notwithstanding the foregoing, this definition excludes government family transfers, last-resort financial assistance and any sums granted by the Minister of Education, Recreation and Sports and received under a financial assistance program for education expenses;
“child care expenses” means, in addition to the annual child care expenses required to fulfil the child’s needs, the child care expenses that the custodial parent must incur in particular to hold employment or to receive training or by reason of his health condition;
“custody time” means the time during which a parent has the custody of a child or exercises visiting and outing rights in respect of a child, whether or not the child is in the care of a third person during that time;
“disposable income” means the annual income, less the amounts mentioned in Part 3 of the form as the basic deduction and deductions for union and professional dues.
“post-secondary education expenses” means the annual expenses incurred so that a child may pursue post-secondary studies, including in particular, in addition to tuition fees and expenses for required pedagogical materials, transportation or accommodation expenses incurred for that purpose;
“special expenses” means annual expenses other than child care expenses and post-secondary education expenses, such as medical expenses, expenses for primary or secondary studies or for any other educational program and expenses related to extracurricular activities, where those expenses are linked to the needs required by the particular situation experienced by the child.
The expenses described above shall be understood as expenses less any related advantage, subsidy, deduction or tax credit, including any sum granted by the Minister of Education and received by the child under a financial assistance program for education expenses. The income considered is that of the current year, unless the use of that reference period is not advisable given the circumstances, in which case the income is the income foreseeable for 12 months following the filing of the application.
O.C. 484-97, s. 9
O.C. 1312-2003, s. 2
O.C. 1192-2005, s. 1
The percentage in the table in Schedule II for the part of the parents’ disposable income exceeding $200,000 is given for information purposes only; therefore, the Court may, if it considers it appropriate, fix for that part of the disposable income an amount different from the amount that would be obtained using that percentage.
O.C. 484-97, s. 10
For the application of the table in Schedule II to situations involving more than 6 children, the basic parental contribution shall be established by multiplying the difference between the amounts prescribed for 5 and 6 children by the number of additional children and by adding the product thus obtained to the amount prescribed for 6 children.
O.C. 484-97, s. 11
O.C. 484-97, s. 12
O.C. 1312-2003, s. 3
O.C. 484-97, s. 13
s. 3
District of ________________________
Father’s form
File No. _____________________ Mother’s form
Produced jointly
Established by the court
Please complete in block letters.
The parents may complete the form together and must attach all required documents. If they do not complete the form together, the parent who completes the form must provide all information and documents in respect of himself or herself. That parent may also indicate any known information about the other parent.
Part 1 – Identification
100 Surname ________________________________________ Given name(s) ______________________________
(Father’s identification)
101 Surname __________________________________________ Given name(s) ______________________________
(Mother’s identification)
Indicate the date of birth of each common child of the parents in respect of whom the application is made.
102 ______ ______ ______ 104 ______ ______ ______ 106 ______ ______ ______
Year Month Day Year Month Day Year Month Day
103 ______ ______ ______ 105 ______ ______ ______ 107 ______ ______ ______
Year Month Day Year Month Day Year Month Day
Part 2 – Statement of parents’ income
Indicate income for the current year or foreseeable income for the next 12 months, as the case may be. Attach a copy of federal and provincial income tax returns and assessment notices for the last fiscal year _________ . Also attach the requested documents and any other document used to establish income.
200 Gross salary
(Attach pay slip) ___________ ___________
201 Commissions/tips ___________ ___________
202 Net income from a business or self-employment
(Gross income less expenses relating to the business or self-employment) ___________ ___________
Attach financial statements)
203 Employment insurance benefits and parental insurance benefits ___________ ___________
204 Support paid by a third party and received for own needs ___________ ___________
205 Retirement or disability benefits, or other benefits ___________ ___________
206 Interest, dividends, and other investment income ___________ ___________
207 Net rentals
(Gross rental income less expenses associated with the rental of immovables) ___________ ___________
(Attach a statement of income and expenses for each immovable)
208 Other income
(Excluding family-related government transfers, last-resort financial ___________ ___________
assistance benefits and any sums granted by the Minister of Education
under a financial assistance program for education expenses)
(Please specify: _______________________________ )
(Add lines 200 to 208) ___________ ___________
SJ-789A (09-01)
Part 3 – Calculation of parents’ disposable income for the purpose of calculating the contribution
300 Annual income
(Line 209) ___________ ___________
301 Basic deduction (See table) ___________ ___________
302 Deduction for union dues ___________ ___________
303 Deduction for professional fees ___________ ___________
304 Total deductions
(Add lines 301 to 303) ___________ ___________
305 Disposable income of each parent
(Line 300 - line 304) Enter “0” if negative ___________ ___________
306 Disposable income of both parents
(Add the two amounts from line 305) ___________
307 Distribution factor (%) of income
Father’s disposable income (line 305 ./ line 306 x 100) ___________%
Mother’s disposable income (line 305/ line 306 x 100) ___________%
Part 4 – Calculation of the annual parental contribution
Note 1: This contribution covers the children’s complete needs excluding the expenses in line 406.
400 Number of common children of the parents in respect of whom
the application is made _____
401 Basic parental contribution according to disposable income of
both parents (line 306) and the number of children (line 400) (See Note 1) ___________
(See table in Schedule II)
402 Basic parental contribution of each parent
(Line 401 x line 307) ___________ ___________
403 Net child care expenses __________ + __________ ___________
404 Net post-secondary education expenses __________ + __________ ___________
405 Net special expenses
(Please specify: ______________________) __________ + __________ ___________
406 Total expenses (See Note 2)
(Add lines 403 to 405) __________ + __________ ___________
407 Contribution of each parent to expenses ___________ __________
(Line 406 x line 307)
Part 5 – Calculation of annual support according to custody time
(Complete only the division that applies to your situation.)
Note 2: The child support amount payable calculated under this part assumes that the total expenses (line 406) are paid by the parent receiving the support payments. Otherwise, please make the required adjustments as they apply to your situation in line 512.1, 518.1, 526.1, 534.1 or 564.1, and give the reasons.
Note 3: The child support amount established in line 533 or 559 assumes that the basic parental contribution will be assumed by each parent on the basis of the custody apportionment factor. If this is not the case, please make the required adjustments as they apply to your situation in line 534.1 or 564.1, and give the reasons.
Division 1 Sole custody FATHER MOTHER
(Complete this division if the non-custodial parent assumes visiting and outing rights
representing 20% or less of custody time.)
510 Identify the non-custodial parent (“X”) ___________ ___________
511 Annual contribution of both parents
(Line 401 + line 406) ___________
512 Annual support payable by the non-custodial parent (See Note 2)
(Line 511 x line 307) ___________
512.1 Adjusted annual support payable
Reason: _________________________________________________________ ___________ ___________
Division 1.1 Adjustment for visiting and prolonged outing rights
(Complete this division if the non-custodial parent assumes visiting and outing rights
representing between 20% and 40% of custody time.)
513 Identify the non-custodial parent (“X”) ___________ ___________
514 Annual contribution of both parents
(Line 401 + line 406) ___________
515 Percentage of custody time represented by visiting and prolonged outing rights
(Number of days ________________ / 365 x 100) ___________%
516 Compensation for visiting and prolonged outing rights
(Percentage from line 515 _____________ - 20% = ____________ % x line 401) ___________
517 Adjusted annual contribution of both parents
(Line 514 - line 516) ___________
518 Annual support payable by the non-custodial parent (See Note 2)
(Line 517 x line 307) ___________
518.1 Adjusted annual support payable
Reason: ___________________________________________________ ___________ ___________
Division 2 Sole custody granted to each parent
(Complete this division if each parent has sole custody of at least one child.)
520 Indicate the number of children in the father’s custody _____
521 Indicate the number of children in the mother’s custody _____
522 Basic parental contribution of each parent
(Line 402) ___________ ___________
523 Average cost per child
(Line 401 / line 400) ___________
524 Cost of care for each parent
(Father: line 523 x line 520) ___________
(Mother: line 523 x line 521) ___________
525 Basic annual support
(Line 522 - line 524) Enter “0” if negative ___________ ___________
526 Annual support payable (See Note 2)
(Line 525 + line 407) Enter “0” if line 525 is “0” ___________ ___________
526.1 Adjusted annual support payable
Reason: __________________________________________________ ___________ ___________
Division 3 Shared custody FATHER MOTHER
(Fill out this division if each parent has at least 40% of custody
time in respect of all the children.)
530 Distribution factor (%) of custody
(Father: number of days of custody ________________ / 365 x 100) ___________%
(Mother: number of days of custody ________________ / 365 x 100) ___________%
531 Basic parental contribution of each parent
(Line 402) ___________ ___________
532 Cost of care for each parent
(Line 401 x line 530) ___________ ___________
533 Basic annual support (See Note 3)
(Line 531 - line 532) Enter “0” if negative ___________ ___________
534 Annual support payable (See Note 2)
(Line 533 + line 407) Enter “0” if line 533 is “0” ___________ ___________
534.1 Adjusted annual support payable
Reason: ________________________________________________ ___________ ___________
Division 4 Sole custody and/or custody with visiting and prolonged outing rights and/or shared custody
(Fill out this division if more than one type of custody arrangement applies: sole custody and/or custody of a child with visiting and outing rights representing between 20% and 40% of custody time and/or shared custody.)
540 Average cost per child
(Line 401 / line 400) ___________
541 Number of children in sole custody _____ _____
542 Cost of care of children in sole custody
(Line 540 x line 541) ___________ ___________
543 Basic contribution of the custodial parent
(Line 542 x line 307) ___________ ___________
544 Difference between the cost of care and the basic contribution
of custodial parent
(Line 542 - line 543) ___________ ___________
545 Basic annual support payable for children in sole custody
(Father: line 544 of mother - line 544 of father) Enter “0” if the result is negative ___________
(Mother: line 544 of father - line 544 of mother) Enter “0” if the result is negative ___________
546 Number of children in a situation of custody with visiting
and prolonged outing rights _____ _____
547 Cost of care of children in a situation of prolonged custody
(Line 540 x line 546) ___________ ___________
548 (f) Percentage of custody time represented by visiting
and prolonged outing rights (father)
(Number of days of custody ____________ / 365 x 100) ___________%
548 (m) Percentage of custody time represented by visiting
and prolonged outing rights (mother)
(Number of days of custody ____________ / 365 x 100) ___________%
549 (f) Compensation for father’s visiting and prolonged outing rights
(Percentage from line 548 (f) ____________ - 20 % = ____________ % X line 547 (mother) ___________
549 (m) Compensation for mother’s visiting and prolonged outing rights
(Percentage from line 548 (m) ____________ - 20 % = ____________ % X line 547 (father) ___________
550 Cost of care of children in a situation of prolonged custody – adjusted
(Line 547 - line 549) ___________ ___________
551 Custodial parent’s basic annual contribution
(Line 550 x line 307) ___________ ___________
552 Difference between the cost of care and the basic annual contribution
(Line 550 - line 551) ___________ ___________
553 Annual support payable for custody with visiting and prolonged outing rights
(Father: line 552 of mother - line 552 of father) Enter “0” if the result is negative ___________
(Mother: line 552 of father - line 552 of mother) Enter “0” if the result is negative ___________
554 Number of children in shared custody _____
555 Cost of care of children in shared custody
(Line 540 x line 554) ___________
556 Distribution factor (%) of shared custody
(Father: number of days of custody ____________ / 365 x 100) ___________%
(Mother: number of days of custody ____________ / 365 x 100) ___________%
557 Basic parental contribution of each parent
for children in shared custody
(Line 555 x line 307) ___________ ___________
558 Cost of shared custody for each parent
(Line 555 x line 556) ___________ ___________
559 Basic annual support for the children
in shared custody (See Note 3) ___________ ___________
(Line 557 - line 558) Enter “0” if negative
Summary of Division 4
560 Basic annual support for children in sole custody
(Line 545) ___________ ___________
561 Annual support payable for custody with visiting and prolonged outing rights
(Line 553) ___________ ___________
562 Basic annual support for the children in shared custody
(Line 559) ___________ ___________
563 Total basic annual support (See Note 3)
(Father: (lines 560 + 561 + 562 of father) – (lines 560 + 561 + 562 of mother)) Enter “0” if negative ___________
(Mother: (lines 560 + 561 + 562 of mother) – (lines 560 + 561 + 562 of father)) Enter “0” if negative ___________
564 Support payable (See Note 2)
(Line 563 + line 407) Enter “0” if line 563 is “0” ___________ ___________
564.1 Adjusted annual support payable
Reason: ______________________________________________ ___________ ___________
Part 6 – Capacity to pay of debtor
600 Disposable income of the parent required to pay support
(Line 305) ___________
601 Multiply line 600 by 50% ___________
602 Annual support payable based on the calculations
under a division of Part 5 ___________
603 Annual support payable
(Enter the lesser amount between lines 601 and 602) ___________
Part 7 – Agreement between parents
(Fill out this part if the parents agree on a support amount that departs from the amount calculated under one of the divisions in Part 5 or Part 6 of this form.)
700 Annual support payable ___________
701 Annual support payable according to agreement between parents ___________
702 Difference between the two amounts
(Line 701 ____________ - line 700 ____________ ) ___________
703 State precisely the reasons for that difference:
Part 8 – Payment frequency
800 Enter the payment frequency and the amount of support payable (See Note 4):
Monthly (/ 12) $___________ Twice monthly (/ 24) $___________
Every two weeks (/ 26) $___________ Weekly (/ 52) $___________
Other (Please specify: ________________________________________ ) $___________
This frequency has been:
offered requested agreed on determined by the court
801 Date of first payment: __________ __________ __________
Year Month Day
Note 4: If support payments are made through the Minister of Revenue pursuant to the Act to facilitate the payment of support, the payment frequency may be adjusted according to the terms and conditions set forth in the Act.
Part 9 – Statement of each parent’s assets and liabilities
ASSETS: Give cash amounts, amounts deposited in bank accounts or other financial institutions and the market value of property in each of the following categories (regardless of any debt related thereto): immovables, furniture, automobiles, works of art, jewellery, shares, bonds, interests in a business, other investments, pension plans, retirement savings plans, receivables, etc.
LIABILITIES: Give debts or financial commitments of any nature in the form of loans or credit (hypothecary loans, personal loans, lines of credit, credit cards, instalment purchases, security, etc.) or that you must pay under a statute (fiscal debts, assessments, dues and other unpaid duties or fees, etc.) or court decision (damages, support, employment insurance or income security overpayment, fines, etc.)
Others (attach details) ____________ Others (attach details)
TOTAL ____________ TOTAL
Summary (assets -liabilities)
Others (attach details) ____________ Others (attach details)
TOTAL ____________ TOTAL
Summary (assets -liabilities)
Part 10 – Declaration under oath
I declare that the above information is accurate I declare that the above information is accurate
and complete for my part, and I sign: and complete for my part, and I sign:
at at
this day of this day of
Father’s signature Mother’s signature
Declaration made under oath before me Declaration made under oath before me
at at
this day of this day of
Signature of person authorized to administer oaths Signature of person authorized to administer oaths
O.C. 484-97, Sch. I
O.C. 777-97, a. 1
O.C. 1312-2003, s. 4
O.C. 1192-2005, s. 2
O.C. 1135-2008, s. 1
s. 3
(Effective as of 1 January 2013)
| | |
Basic Annual Contribution ($)
Income of
Number of Children
Parents ($)
| | |
| |
1 child 2 children 3 children 4 children 5 children 6 children
| | |
| 1- 1,000| 500 500 500 500 500 500 |
| 1,001- 2,000| 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 |
| 2,001- 3,000| 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 |
| 3,001- 4,000| 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 |
| 4,001- 5,000| 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 |
| | |
| 5,001- 6,000| 2,690 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 |
| 6,001- 7,000| 2,740 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 |
| 7,001- 8,000| 2,810 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 |
| 8,001- 9,000| 2,880 4,490 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 |
| 9,001- 10,000| 2,940 4,600 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 |
| | |
| 10,001- 12,000| 3,100 4,810 5,700 6,000 6,000 6,000 |
| 12,001- 14,000| 3,250 5,060 5,990 6,970 7,000 7,000 |
| 14,001- 16,000| 3,440 5,300 6,340 7,370 8,000 8,000 |
| 16,001- 18,000| 3,630 5,590 6,720 7,860 9,000 9,000 |
| 18,001- 20,000| 3,840 5,900 7,140 8,390 9,620 10,000 |
| | |
| 20,001- 22,000| 4,120 6,320 7,670 9,020 10,370 11,000 |
| 22,001- 24,000| 4,370 6,710 8,170 9,610 11,080 12,000 |
| 24,001- 26,000| 4,600 7,080 8,640 10,190 11,760 13,000 |
| 26,001- 28,000| 4,820 7,370 9,090 10,760 12,470 14,000 |
| 28,001- 30,000| 5,040 7,670 9,450 11,270 13,080 14,890 |
| | |
| 30,001- 32,000| 5,220 7,920 9,840 11,780 13,690 15,610 |
| 32,001- 34,000| 5,400 8,160 10,220 12,230 14,270 16,310 |
| 34,001- 36,000| 5,590 8,390 10,530 12,670 14,800 16,940 |
| 36,001- 38,000| 5,720 8,640 10,790 12,960 15,140 17,300 |
| 38,001- 40,000| 5,920 8,850 11,070 13,290 15,520 17,730 |
| | |
| 40,001- 42,000| 6,110 9,090 11,400 13,670 15,950 18,230 |
| 42,001- 44,000| 6,320 9,380 11,710 14,030 16,360 18,670 |
| 44,001- 46,000| 6,510 9,620 12,020 14,420 16,810 19,210 |
| 46,001- 48,000| 6,700 9,930 12,380 14,860 17,330 19,800 |
| 48,001- 50,000| 6,910 10,160 12,730 15,290 17,840 20,400 |
| | |
| 50,001- 52,000| 7,110 10,430 13,080 15,740 18,370 21,040 |
| 52,001- 54,000| 7,310 10,710 13,430 16,150 18,870 21,600 |
| 54,001- 56,000| 7,490 10,970 13,780 16,620 19,430 22,240 |
| 56,001- 58,000| 7,690 11,240 14,130 17,010 19,920 22,810 |
| 58,001- 60,000| 7,890 11,480 14,460 17,440 20,430 23,400 |
| | |
| 60,001- 62,000| 8,080 11,750 14,790 17,850 20,910 23,950 |
| 62,001- 64,000| 8,250 11,990 15,150 18,290 21,440 24,580 |
| 64,001- 66,000| 8,440 12,250 15,490 18,710 21,930 25,140 |
| 66,001- 68,000| 8,640 12,470 15,780 19,100 22,410 25,730 |
| 68,001- 70,000| 8,780 12,700 16,100 19,520 22,930 26,340 |
| | |
| 70,001- 72,000| 8,940 12,930 16,420 19,890 23,390 26,870 |
| 72,001- 74,000| 9,090 13,140 16,710 20,270 23,860 27,420 |
| 74,001- 76,000| 9,270 13,340 17,000 20,670 24,340 28,000 |
| 76,001- 78,000| 9,380 13,480 17,200 20,930 24,640 28,360 |
| 78,001- 80,000| 9,490 13,660 17,440 21,200 24,980 28,760 |
| | |
| 80,001- 82,000| 9,610 13,800 17,630 21,460 25,290 29,130 |
| 82,001- 84,000| 9,720 13,950 17,850 21,740 25,630 29,520 |
| 84,001- 86,000| 9,880 14,110 18,060 21,990 25,940 29,880 |
| 86,001- 88,000| 9,970 14,230 18,220 22,230 26,220 30,220 |
| 88,001- 90,000| 10,040 14,350 18,370 22,410 26,430 30,470 |
| | |
| 90,001- 92,000| 10,130 14,460 18,570 22,640 26,740 30,820 |
| 92,001- 94,000| 10,220 14,590 18,720 22,840 26,940 31,060 |
| 94,001- 96,000| 10,330 14,710 18,890 23,060 27,240 31,390 |
| 96,001- 98,000| 10,400 14,820 19,020 23,250 27,460 31,690 |
| 98,001-100,000| 10,490 14,920 19,170 23,400 27,660 31,910 |
| | |
|100,001-102,000| 10,580 15,030 19,330 23,610 27,910 32,210 |
|102,001-104,000| 10,650 15,120 19,480 23,780 28,140 32,460 |
|104,001-106,000| 10,730 15,230 19,610 23,990 28,360 32,730 |
|106,001-108,000| 10,800 15,350 19,780 24,170 28,610 33,000 |
|108,001-110,000| 10,880 15,440 19,930 24,360 28,830 33,260 |
| | |
|110,001-112,000| 10,970 15,550 20,080 24,520 29,070 33,540 |
|112,001-114,000| 11,050 15,640 20,230 24,720 29,320 33,800 |
|114,001-116,000| 11,150 15,750 20,380 24,910 29,540 34,070 |
|116,001-118,000| 11,230 15,860 20,530 25,090 29,780 34,350 |
|118,001-120,000| 11,310 15,960 20,690 25,310 30,000 34,600 |
| | |
|120,001-122,000| 11,390 16,060 20,830 25,470 30,230 34,870 |
|122,001-124,000| 11,460 16,170 20,980 25,660 30,470 35,120 |
|124,001-126,000| 11,530 16,270 21,110 25,810 30,690 35,380 |
|126,001-128,000| 11,620 16,350 21,260 26,000 30,900 35,640 |
|128,001-130,000| 11,690 16,460 21,400 26,160 31,100 35,880 |
| | |
|130,001-132,000| 11,760 16,560 21,550 26,330 31,320 36,120 |
|132,001-134,000| 11,830 16,650 21,670 26,520 31,540 36,370 |
|134,001-136,000| 11,910 16,740 21,810 26,690 31,740 36,620 |
|136,001-138,000| 11,990 16,830 21,960 26,840 31,980 36,860 |
|138,001-140,000| 12,060 16,930 22,100 27,030 32,190 37,120 |
| | |
|140,001-142,000| 12,140 17,020 22,230 27,200 32,400 37,360 |
|142,001-144,000| 12,210 17,130 22,380 27,370 32,620 37,620 |
|144,001-146,000| 12,290 17,220 22,510 27,520 32,850 37,870 |
|146,001-148,000| 12,370 17,310 22,670 27,740 33,050 38,120 |
|148,001-150,000| 12,440 17,420 22,800 27,890 33,280 38,370 |
| | |
|150,001-152,000| 12,520 17,510 22,940 28,050 33,490 38,610 |
|152,001-154,000| 12,590 17,600 23,070 28,240 33,710 38,850 |
|154,001-156,000| 12,680 17,710 23,240 28,410 33,940 39,120 |
|156,001-158,000| 12,740 17,810 23,360 28,580 34,140 39,370 |
|158,001-160,000| 12,820 17,900 23,490 28,750 34,370 39,630 |
| | |
|160,001-162,000| 12,890 17,980 23,640 28,940 34,580 39,870 |
|162,001-164,000| 12,980 18,080 23,790 29,110 34,790 40,100 |
|164,001-166,000| 13,040 18,200 23,930 29,270 35,010 40,370 |
|166,001-168,000| 13,110 18,290 24,070 29,450 35,250 40,620 |
|168,001-170,000| 13,190 18,380 24,190 29,630 35,450 40,860 |
| | |
|170,001-172,000| 13,280 18,480 24,350 29,800 35,680 41,130 |
|172,001-174,000| 13,350 18,580 24,490 29,980 35,880 41,360 |
|174,001-176,000| 13,430 18,670 24,630 30,150 36,120 41,630 |
|176,001-178,000| 13,500 18,780 24,760 30,330 36,330 41,880 |
|178,001-180,000| 13,580 18,880 24,940 30,500 36,550 42,130 |
| | |
|180,001-182,000| 13,670 18,970 25,060 30,670 36,770 42,390 |
|182,001-184,000| 13,730 19,080 25,200 30,840 36,990 42,620 |
|184,001-186,000| 13,800 19,160 25,350 31,020 37,190 42,880 |
|186,001-188,000| 13,890 19,250 25,490 31,200 37,430 43,140 |
|188,001-190,000| 13,960 19,350 25,630 31,360 37,640 43,390 |
| | |
|190,001-192,000| 14,040 19,450 25,770 31,560 37,860 43,640 |
|192,001-194,000| 14,120 19,560 25,900 31,730 38,080 43,900 |
|194,001-196,000| 14,190 19,650 26,070 31,900 38,310 44,150 |
|196,001-198,000| 14,260 19,760 26,210 32,070 38,500 44,400 |
|198,001-200,000| 14,340 19,850 26,340 32,250 38,750 44,650 |
| | |
| Disposable | 14,340 19,850 26,340 32,250 38,750 44,650 |
| income | plus plus plus plus plus plus |
| greater than | 3.5% 4.5% 6.5% 8.0% 10.0% 11.5% |
| $200,000
| of of of of of of |
| | excess excess excess excess excess excess |
| | amount amount amount amount amount amount |
(1) For situations involving 7 children or more, the basic parental contribution shall be established by multiplying the difference between the amounts prescribed for 5 and 6 children by the number of additional children and by adding the product thus obtained to the amount prescribed for 6 children (s. 11).
(2) For the part of income exceeding $200,000, the percentage indicated is shown for information purposes only. The court may, if it deems it appropriate, fix for that part of the disposable income an amount different from the amount that would be obtained using that percentage (s. 10).
Amount of the basic deduction for the purpose of calculating disposable income (line 301 on the Child Support Determination Form) effective as of 1 January 2013: $10,100
O.C. 484-97, Sch. II
O.C. 1312-2003, s. 4
O.C. 1138-2004, s. 2
O.C. 1192-2005, s. 3
O.C. 1139-2006, s. 1
O.C. 1102-2007, s. 1
O.C. 1135-2008, s. 1
O.C. 1291-2009, s. 1
O.C. 1095-2010, s. 1
O.C. 1323-2011, s. 1
O.C. 1061-2012, s. 1
Erratum, 2012 G.O. 2, 3469
O.C. 484-97, 1997 G.O. 2, 1651
O.C. 777-97, 1997 G.O. 2, 2742
O.C. 1312-2003, 2003 G.O. 2, 3605
O.C. 1138-2004, 2004 G.O. 2, 3474
O.C. 1192-2005, 2005 G.O. 2, 5164
O.C. 1139-2006, 2006 G.O. 2, 3923A
O.C. 1102-2007, 2007 G.O. 2, 3656A
O.C. 1135-2008, 2008 G.O. 2, 5505A
O.C. 1291-2009, 2009 G.O. 2, 4090
O.C. 1095-2010, 2010 G.O. 2, 3857A
O.C. 1323-2011, 2011 G.O. 2, 3750B
O.C. 1061-2012, 2012 G.O. 2, 3212 and 3469
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